“I love PraxiSchool. It is easy to use, the layout is wonderful, and the support staff is the best!”
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Learn what sets PraxiSchool apart from the rest.
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- See everything at a glance from a single desktop screen.
- Set up and maintain administrators, students, family members, and staff.
- Issue merits, demerits, hall passes and awards.
- View enrollment history, create student forms, and track student promotions.
- Schedule email and text blasts and view communication history for any member in the system.
- Track staff time and clock children in and out of daycare with unparalleled flexibility.
- Print barcoded student ID cards that students can use to buy lunch.
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- Fully integrated (no need to go anywhere else to manage finances)
- Add 2 payers to one tuition account.
- Save time with the unique budget wizard feature.
- Do it live, do it once. It updates everywhere in real time.
- Set up automatic billing quickly and easily.
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- Track daily student tardiness and attendance
- Use the Attendance/Tardy Wizard to analyze classroom and school attendance records for various student groups
- Set a date range with filters to create custom reports from raw attendance data
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- Assign seats using our visual, drag-and-drop, classroom interface.
- Keep track of lunches, assignments and grades at the student or class level.
- Manage your grade book, lesson plans, assignments, communications, and attendance records in real time.
- Print individual addressed envelopes for any person on file.
- Create post-it notes on individual files for students for personal info like allergies, disabilities, etc.
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- Set up a school donor fund.
- Create campaigns to distinguish funding sources (i.e. general donation, class trip, etc.)
- Turn existing records from family, staff, or students into donor records at the click of a mouse.
- Print/email contribution receipts at the end of the school year.
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- Set up your grade book to reflect how your classroom is run.
- Track student conduct and progress, including activities, community service, awards and test scores, in real time.
- Create and print report cards and transcripts and pull custom reports and data a dozen different ways.
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- Build and manage your school’s library catalog.
- Keep track of checked-out books and media.
- Charge and track library fines owed.
- Text/email overdue notices to parents and students.
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- Create menu items for specific student groups (i.e. elementary vs. high school).
- Allow parents and students to order lunches in advance and choose from menu items.
- View lunch account balances for students and post payments.
- Print receipts in person on POS printers, live and in real time.
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- Track immunizations, medications, allergies, and incidents.
- Ensure proper communication between students, parents, and staff in case of emergencies.
Parent & Student Portal
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- Create one login for parents and students with predefined access to relevant areas.
- View & manage childcare, class schedule, attendance, homework, grades/report cards & disciplinary action.
- Create and store custom forms for re-enrollment.